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Planning Applications and Dockets

Examples include: Building Lot Determinations, Site Plan Review, Special Use, and Exemption Plats.

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Record SU-06-0016

Special Use Review

Record Status: BOCC Approved


Work Location


Record Details

The project description reflects what has been proposed, and not what may have been approved.  The resolution or determination letter under the Documents section will describe what has been approved.

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Ask a Planner.

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Are you the applicant and need to submit a document?

If the record ID above starts with โ€œREQโ€

You must also be logged into the website with the same username that submitted the application. Use the blue โ€œAdd A Documentโ€ button to upload your document. The button is below the list of documents. If you do not see the button, make sure you are logged into the website.

If the record ID above starts with something else

A document cannot be submitted online. Please send the document to the staff member who requested the document.

Americans with Disability Act Notice

Boulder County aims to ensure all digital content and documents are accessible. While efforts have been made to maximize accessibility, some types of content have inherent technical limitations. For alternate formats or accommodations, please submit an ADA Web Accommodation Request Form or email, or call 303-441-1386. View the countyโ€™s accessibility statement.ย 

Please note that some files associated with this record are large and may take a few minutes to download
When uploading documents, please use PDF or JPG file types. The file size should not be bigger than 40MB.

Custom Component


Processing Status

The processing status may be incorrect for applications submitted before May 2009.  The status will likely be "Application Submittal" for applications/dockets finished before May 2009.

Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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